Company Background

Vietnam Manufacturing and Export Processing (Holdings) Limited is one of the leading manufacturers of scooter and cub motorbikes in Vietnam, which ranks third among the principal foreign-owned motorbike manufacturers in terms of sales volume. Other than the major business, the Group also produces motorbike engines and parts for internal use and for sale and it sells and services moulds for making die-cast and forged metal parts. The Group’s manufacturing and assembly operations are conducted principally in two factories located near the two largest cities in Vietnam, namely Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

The Group is a deep-rooted Vietnam enterprise with a long history in the country. Unlike other foreign-owned enterprises, the Group has established its base of operations, including its research and design department, in Vietnam. It enhances the Group’s responsiveness to customer demand and market changes. The Group’s local presence and focus improves the Group’s ability to devise and deploy marketing campaigns effective with local consumers, enhances quality by enabling the Group to quickly devise and deploy design modifications addressing concerns that arise post-production. By reducing the labour and transportation costs, the Group’s local base of operations also leverage its profitability.

Vietnam Manufacturing and Export Processing (Holdings) Limited manufactures various types of scooters and cubs to cope with different customer demand so as to raise its market share. In addition, the Group has implemented a unique dual-branding strategy, whereby the Group markets its products under both the “SYM” and “SANDA” brand names. This strategy has helped the Group increase its penetration of the consumer market. SYM scooters are high-end products that use many custom-designed components and are marketed as stylish and technologically modern. SYM has become one of the most recognizable brands in the Vietnamese scooter and cub market and that it is associated in consumers’ minds with style, quality and reliability. The strength of the SYM name facilitates the sale of the Group’s motorbikes and contributes to its market share.

In addition, the Group has an extensive dealership network, with approximately 230 authorised SYM stores, throughout Vietnam, and it manages to keep close and long-term relationship with dealers. The existing supplier network of the Group is powerful, yet, the Group keeps looking for suitable suppliers in ASEAN countries in order to consolidate its price advantages.